A few years ago I bought an unfinished patchwork quilt top from a thrift store and I only had put in the batting and made the back for it. So, I was tired of seeing it laying around and finally finished it! I'm not a perfect quilter but it was finished with love. The vintage fabric used for the top is so fantastic that I really wanted to finish it.
I'm so happy with how it came out!
Speaking of vintage fabric, here's a slight glimpse into my vintage linen collection....
I collect vintage tablecloths, doilies, trim and fabric. My mom always used doilies and tablecloths and changed them out seasonally. I do the same. I love embroidered pieces especially. It's heaven to me when I look into this closet.
With some time on my hands, I have been reading my favorite magazines. It gives me incentive to do some redecorating.
I was motivated to scrape, sand and paint the window frames in the master bedroom. It took me three days but it was well worth it. I live in an older home built in 1946 and we still have storm windows to put up and take down. Tomorrow, when the paint is dry, I'll be able to put up the screens and let the fresh air come in! The warm weather is starting to arrive.
I'm sure that most of us have been baking. I saw this recipe for lemon blueberry scones and decided to try baking them. They didn't disappoint. My friend, Dragana Seizovic, originally showed these scones on Instagram. So, this was my hand at making them.

Today was beautiful! I was outside without a coat on planting a few pots and tulip bulbs and just walking around putting out my garden ornaments, It felt so great to be in the sun with my hands in the soil.
My yard is full of vintage flea market ideas.
This angel statue is in front of my garage.
I just love gnomes! These are my absolute favorites.
And this lazy gnome too.
I'm also pretty crazy about pink flamingos too. This one was missing its legs but I couldn't get rid of it.
The blue motel chair is broken too but I couldn't part with it either.
These pink flamingos look great when surrounded by the lilies when they come up.
My yard is mostly shaded surrounded by woods, but at this time of year the area in front of my garage is bare. The hill has moss growing on it and the ground cover and ferns haven't come up yet. I really like it this way. To me it's so peaceful.
That's it for now! Stay well, get some sun and stay positive.
Isn't this chippy, rusty chair fabulous? I think so!
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