Follow me on my pathtojunkentreasure as I hunt for treasures at flea markets, garage sales, rummage sales, thrift stores, estate sales and even on the side of the road. I'll share my love of ironstone, hammered aluminum, vintage Christmas, vintage jewelry, doilies and tablecloths, flower frogs, garden items and anything rusty and chippy. You can find me at Carriage House Antiques in Crystal Lake Illinois. Please join me on my pathtojunkentreasure!

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

and Just Like That November is Almost Over....

 It's funny how each post lately starts with "and just like that".... Time keeps flying by for me. Where does it go? Between pickin', selling at the shop, moving another son into his own apartment, taking care of a father in law plus trying to visit my own parents, preparing for a Holiday Open House and whatever else life has going on....

I'm in the Christmas mode, with Celine Dion Christmas playing in the background. I know tomorrow is Thanksgiving, but this year I took down all fall decorations and started slowing putting up Christmas. It's what gives me the most joy and is so less stressful to me to begin slowly. I'm actually loving it! I should have done it this way years ago.

Here are pictures from the Holiday Open House at the Carriage House at the beginning of November. It took me 4 days to set up my space alone! Whew! But boy was it fun.

There's lots more....

Lots of Santa's...

I found a lot of blow molds this year. I found a lot of everything actually.

Here's a more expanded view of my shelves.

The giant head Santa is a cookie jar that was missing the lid so I put a tree in it instead. Super cute!

Lots of putz houses to create your own community...

You know how I love my vintage linens. Tablecloths, aprons, runners, towels, blankets, stockings, you name it.

Soooo many smalls...

Plus pixies everywhere...

How about these...

There's still plenty of vintage Christmas left at the shop!

Here's one of my favorite finds so far this fall. I just couldn't walk away from this dress form...

Even the lady bug had to land on her. She's perfect in my upstairs hallway just as you come off of the steps.

I fell in love with this adorable ornament and I have her hanging on a vintage wire dress form. Where else right?

Well, that's all for now. 

I wish you all a very happy and blessed Thanksgiving!

Happy treasure hunting!

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